Tidy Linen
All about wardrobes

Tidy Linen

Tidying Linen: A Comprehensive Guide

Tackling Your Linen Cupboard: How to Tidy Your Linen Like A Pro.

Quick tips: Tidying Linen 101

Linen is an essential component of every bedroom. Whether it’s your sheets and pillowcases or the towels and washcloths, keeping them clean is important for both aesthetic appeal and hygiene. But tidying linen can sometimes be a challenge. Here are some tips to make sure you keep your linen cupboard organised and tidy.


Caring for Linen:

Start by sorting your linen. Make sure you know exactly what type of fabric and thread counts each set of bedsheets or towels is made from, as this will make it easier for you to determine how to care for them. This also helps prevent damage from improper laundering.


Next, establish a cleaning routine and stick to it. Consider using specialised products and techniques to ensure that your linen is always free of stains, dust and dirt. Finally, put a system in place for putting away clean linens and taking out dirty ones.


When laundering linens, it’s important to use the right detergent and temperature setting for each type of fabric. Delicate fabrics such as silk require special handling, while heavier fabrics like cotton can handle higher temperatures. In addition, choose the appropriate amount of detergent needed for the size of your load; too much detergent won’t necessarily get things cleaner but can lead to over-sudsing which can damage delicate fabrics.


Storing Linen - The Basics:

Once the linen is clean, it’s time to fold and store it. Start by folding sheets neatly into squares and placing them in labelled boxes or drawers.

Towels should be folded and stored in an upright position. This will help maintain their shape and prevent them from becoming too misshapen or lumpy. 


Finally, you should store your linen in a cool, dry space away from direct sunlight or moisture. Moisture can cause fabrics to become mildewed, and the ultraviolet rays of the sun can fade colours quickly.


Organising Linen - How to Organise Your Linen Cupboard:

Once you’ve sorted, cleaned and stored your linen, it’s time to organise it. Use shelves to separate different piles of clean linens as well as dirty ones that need washing. Place neatly folded items on top for easy access when needed. Labels are a great way to identify where everything goes easily, so you don’t have to search through piles or drawers to find what you need.


You can also use dividers and bins in your cupboard to organise different types of fabrics, such as sheets, towels, blankets and so on. This will help you keep everything neat and organised while making it easier to find specific items when necessary.


Finally, if you're finding your current storage solution isn't working for you, it may be time to invest in a new built-in or walk-in wardrobe that is specifically designed for your linen storage needs. Our range of wardrobes are customisable and comes in a variety of sizes to suit any space.


Tidying and caring for your linen doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming. By following these tips, you can keep your linen looking fresh and organised, no matter how much it accumulates over time. With the right storage system and care routine in place, caring for your linen can be a breeze.



Tidy Wardrobe
Tidy Storage

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