Tidy Storage
All about wardrobes

Tidy Storage

Storage Tips 101 - How to Keep Your Storage Space Tidy

Tackling the Clutter: How to Tidy Your Storage Space

Storage spaces, like wardrobes and linen cupboards, are often forgotten about until you need something in them. Unfortunately, these spaces can quickly become unorganised and cluttered without proper organisation and cleaning.


It's scientifically proven that storing things neatly and having a good tidying system in place can lower stress,  so why not take the time to organise your storage space? With these few easy tips, you can keep your storage area tidy and organised.


What storage areas are often forgotten?

When we think of storage, often our minds run straight to wardrobes, cupboards and other obvious storage areas. However,  there are several other methods of storage to consider. This includes under-the-bed, over-the-door storage, shelves, boxes and baskets etc.

You'll find things hidden within your home's deepest nooks and crannies, especially if you're living with kids. Many of our clients reach out to us to purchase a new wardrobe in order to reduce the amount of clutter they're storing.


Other storage spaces to think about in your home include your garage, cabinets, drawers,  and even areas like your stairs. When these places become cluttered, you'll find that your stress levels increase, as you'll be unable to find what you need quickly. This can lead to extra time wasted looking for things and feeling overwhelmed.


How to clean and organise your storage space?


Once you've identified any forgotten storage spaces, it's time to start organising and tidying. To do this, you can follow these easy steps:


Declutter your storage space to declutter your mind:


The first step in organising your storage space is to get rid of any unnecessary items. This includes anything that's out of date or broken, as well as items you no longer use or need. Before purchasing new storage containers and boxes, clear out your storage areas and take a long look at the space you're working with.


We recommend completely emptying all of your storage areas prior to organising. Tidying is an art, and every artist works best with a blank canvas. So, to ensure you're keeping what you actually love and need, completely empty your storage areas and declutter everything you don't need before refilling them.


Group like items together and store them properly:


Items that you want to keep should then be grouped together and stored properly. This will make them easier to find in the future and help you become more organised.


When storing items, utilise all vertical space in your storage areas like shelves, wall hooks, etc. If a shelf is too high for you to reach easily, use it as an opportunity for long-term storage, like old photo albums and keepsakes.


Keeping items stored together will also make it easier for you to find things you need. For example, you could keep all of your memorabilia under the stairs, whilst practical items like cleaning supplies and tools can be kept in the garage.


Invest in clear containers and boxes:


Investing in clear, see-through containers can help you keep your storage well-organised and easily accessible. Clear containers allow you to identify items quickly, which can save you plenty of time.


There's nothing worse than heading into the garage to crack out the Christmas decorations only to spend over half the day trying to find them first!


Invest in a new set-up:


If you get through the rest of these steps and still feel dissatisfied with your organisation, it may be time to invest in a new storage solution. Investing in a wardrobe that can fit more items and has more storage compartments can make a huge difference.


Remember, it's not just about the amount of space you have -  it's also how you use it that counts. Therefore, if you feel like your storage solutions are limited, consider investing in some new pieces to create an efficient setup. Our built-in and walk-in wardrobes are completely customisable, which means you’re guaranteed to find the perfect fit for your space.

 Quick tips - how to tidy your storage up in 15 minutes or less:

Pressed for time and can't commit to the process outlined above? Here's how to tidy your storage up in 15 minutes or less:


  • Gather all like items together and group them by category.
  • Put any broken or out-of-date items into a bag to discard.
  • Place your most used items closest to the front for easy access.
  • Maximise vertical space with wall hooks and shelving units - seriously; this one is a game-changer.


With these tips, you can quickly and efficiently organise any kind of storage area in your home.  By taking the time to declutter and reorganise your storage spaces, you'll be able to find things more easily and reduce the number of headaches you have.

Tidy Linen
Tidy Pantry

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